
Daniel Ricardo González
(*1975) Daniel Ricardo González lives in Ravensburg
The son of a Spaniard and a half-French woman, living in Upper Swabia is a multi-talent. As a globetrotter he not only seeks special places but he loves to get in touch with people. His great talent is to abduct the viewer into all these magical places through his photographs. According to the motto „beauty is everywhere“, he often approaches familiar places with almost childlike curiosity where he finds the magic of the hidden.
González experiences his profound inspiration through his belief in the wonderful creator. With his architectural photographs, he triggers a hidden longing within the viewer.
González is now one of the leading panography specialists. This sophisticated recording technique allows him to play creatively with pictorial realities and, as a result, transforms the images of everyday life into an expanded space. As an observer, we thus immerse into a fascinating real-magical world of images.
Andrea Dreher M. A.